The Ohio Revised Code (ORC) requires the Department of Medicaid to produce a number of reports on different
aspects of the
program. This section includes a list of required reports as well as links to those reports. Reports currently
required by the ORC include the following:
Fee Assessment Report:
(ORC 5168.90)
A quarterly report, provided by the Medicaid Director, that provides fee rates and the aggregate total
for the fees assessed for: the hospital assessment, nursing home and hospital long-term care unit
franchise permit fee, ICF/IID franchise permit fee and health insuring corporation franchise fee.
[View 2024 Q3 Report]
[View 2024 Q4
[View 2025 Q1
[View 2025 Q2
Pregnant Women, Infants, and Children:
(ORC 5162.13)
An annual report on the effectiveness of the Medicaid program in meeting the health care needs of low-income
pregnant women, infants, and children.
[View 2014 Report]
[View 2015 report]
[View 2016 report]
[View 2017 report]
[View 2018 Report]
[View 2019 Report]
[View 2020 Report]
Cost Containment:
(ORC 5162.131)
A semi-annual report on the establishment and implementation of initiatives designed to control the increase of
the cost of the Medicaid program, increase program efficiency, and promote better health outcomes.
[View SFY 2014 (1
Jan-30 June) report]
[View SFY 2014 (1
July-31 December) report]
[View SFY 2015 (1
July-31 December) report]
[View SFY 2016 (1
January-30 June) report]
[View SFY 2016 (1
July-31 December) report]
[View SFY 2018 (1
July-30 December) report]
[View SFY 2019 (1
January-30 June) report]
[View SFY 2019 (1
July-31 December) report]
[View SFY 2020 (1
July-31 December) report]
[View SFY 2021 (1
January-30 June) report]
Requested, but none provided for first half of SFY 2017, 2020 and 2021 and second half of SFY 2017, 2018 and 2020
Program Integrity:
(ORC 5162.132)
An annual report on the department's efforts to minimize fraud, waste, and abuse in the Medicaid program.
[View 2013 report]
[View 2014 report]
[View 2015 report]
[View 2021
[View 2022 report]
Requested, but none provided for SFY 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020
Medicaid Buy In Program for Workers with Disabilities:
(ORC 5162.133)
An annual report on program participation, premium revenue, and total costs of the Medicaid Buy In program.
2014 report]
[View 2015 report]
[View 2017 report]
[View 2018 report]
[View 2023 report]
Requested, but none provided for SFY 2019, 2020 and 2021
Medicaid Expansion:
(Section 751.20 of
Sub. H.B. 64 of the 131st General Assembly.)
An evaluation of the effect on clinical care and outcomes for enrollees under the Group VIII Medicaid expansion.
[View Final
[View Study
MyCare Ohio:
(ORC 5162.134)
An annual report on the MyCare Ohio program, including the program evaluation specified in Section 5164.119 of
the Revised Code.
[View SFY 2014
[View SFY 2015 report]
[View SFY 2016 report]
[View SFY 2017
[View SFY 2018 report]
Requested, but none provided for SFY 2019, 2020 and 2021
Care Innovation and Community Improvement Program (CICIP):
(Section 333.60 of
Am. Sub. H.B. 110 of the 134th General Assembly.)
An annual report detailing the efficacy, trends, outcomes, and number of agencies enrolled in the Care
Innovation and Community Improvement Program, including the total amount of supplemental payments, in aggregate,
made to participating agencies.
[View Y2
Self-Selection of Managed Care:
(Section 327.330 of
Sub. H.B. 64 of the 131st General Assembly.)
A study of the feasibility and potential savings to the state of delaying Medicaid coverage until an individual
selects a managed care plan.
[View March 31, 2016
Developmental Center Closure Status Report:
(Section 751.20 of
Sub. H.B. 483 of the 131st General Assembly.)
A report from the Department of Developmental Disabilities on the progress of relocating residents following the
announcement of the closure of the Montgomery and Youngstown Developmental Centers.
[View report]
Medicaid Infant Mortality Report:
(ORC 5162.13)
A report regarding MMCP Progress in Infant Mortality Initiatives in Priority Communities and Implementing
Enhanced Care Management Services – SFY 2016 and 2017 Update.
Infant Sleep Report:
(ORC 3701.67)
A report from the Department of Health regarding screening of new parents and caregivers prior to discharge to
determine if the infant has a safe sleep environment at their residence.
[View July 1, 2017
Access Barriers Assessment Report:
(ORC 5162.136)
A semi-annual report both identifying and analyzing the barriers that Medicaid recipients face in gaining full
access to interventions intended to: reduce tobacco use; prevent prematurity; and promote optimal birth spacing;
and making recommendations for the expedient removal of the access barriers.
SFY 2018 report]
[View SFY
2019 & SFY 2020 report]
Ohio Mental Health Parity Annual Report:
(ORC 3901.90)
An annual report by the Department of Insurance and the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services
concerning consumer and payer outreach activities, identification trends and barriers to access and coverage.
[View 2024
Post-Covid Medicaid Redetermination:
(Section 333.210 of
H.B. 33 of the 135th General Assembly.)
- This report outlines the efforts of the Ohio
Department of Medicaid’s return to normal Medicaid eligibility operations. The report describes the efforts and
progress in the transition phase following the public health emergency and the impact on Ohioans.
[View 2024